venerdì 12 febbraio 2010

Caporetto Alinghi..Bmw Oracle scrive la storia

Dico solo una cosa..vento 10 nodi...Bmw Oracle 22 nodi
(senza eliche, benzina e pistoni)

12.02.2010 CET
BMW ORACLE Racing wins Race One.
BMW ORACLE Racing has started the 33rd America’s Cup Match in style, with a convincing victory over the defender, Alinghi.
Racing was postponed for four and a half hours before Principal Race Officer Harold Bennett gave the start signal in a gentle 4 to 5 knot southerly wind.

After both boats entered the start box, skipper James Spithill (AUS) was able to speed deep into the box on starboard tack, preventing 'Alinghi 5' – the give way boat –from crossing ahead. As the boats dialled-up into the wind, the Umpires judged Alinghi hadn’t done enough to keep clear and penalised the Swiss team.

Alinghi, however, made a good recovery. With both teams to windward of the start line, the Swiss made a quick return to start ahead. In fact, by the time 'USA' crossed the starting line, it was over 600-meters behind 'A5'.

But then 'USA' started to simply outpace 'A5' by sailing higher (closer to the wind) and slightly faster. The 600-meter deficit was soon erased, and 'USA' went on to lead by 3:21 around the top mark.

Downwind, the advantage to the American boat was even more pronounced. 'USA' continued to add to its lead all the way to the finish line.

The final delta at the finish, after Alinghi completed its penalty turn, and finished correctly, was 15:28.

The crew list for the BMW ORACLE Racing team is unchanged from Monday and Wednesday:

Brad Webb (NZL) - BowmanSimone de Mari (ITA) - PitmanRoss Halcrow (NZL) - Jib TrimmerDirk de Ridder (NED) - Wing Sail TrimmerJoey Newton (AUS) - Wing Sail CaddyJohn Kostecki (USA) - TacticianJames Spithill (AUS) - Skipper/HelmsmanMatteo Plazzi (ITA) - NavigatorThierry Fouchier (FRA) - Aft PitMatthew Mason (NZL) - Mast

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